Each one of us receive multiple solicitations from charities every day. Most are legitimate, a fair number are scams. Either way, we can’t possibly give to all of them.
Even many of our Rotary Club meetings are built around community nonprofits speaking and seeking contributions.
Each local Rotary Club is desirous of helping, championing our community. As District Governor I applaud and encourage local contributions of time and money.
I ask you to consider four questions:
1. How many charitable organizations have the highest trust & performance rating available from Charity Navigator? Rotary does, year after year.
2. How many organizations have helped people in more countries than the United Nations? Rotary has.
3. Yes, we want to strengthen our community but don’t we want to reach out and make the world a little safer a little better for those tragedies we see on the evening news?
4. We have important charities in our communities. Can you name a hundred of the several thousand Rotary projects performed each year? Do you think we should reserve one meeting a month just to learn more about Rotary?
Think about, please.
Thanks for all you and your club does for your community and for the world.
Jack Werner
DG October 2024